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Numero totale di libri trovati 33 per la tua ricerca. Scarica gli ebook e divertiti!

"The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious" (Qoh 10,12)

Autore: Mauro Perani

Numero di pagine: 503

After World War II, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) published works in English and German by eminent Israeli scholars, in this way introducing them to a wider audience in Europe and North America. The series he founded for that purpose, Studia Judaica, continues to offer a platform for scholarly studies and editions that cover all eras in the history of the Jewish religion.

Oltre la reazione

Autore: Andrea De Guttry , Scuola superiore di studi universitari e di perfezionamento Sant'Anna di Pisa (Italy)

Numero di pagine: 393

Liber Memorialis Petar Šarčević

Autore: Johan Erauw , Vesna Tomljenović , Paul Volken

Numero di pagine: 663

This vast collection of scholarly writings examines a wide range of legal topics, including for example: European Private International Law of Obligations and Internal Market Legislation: A Matter of Coordination -- Balancing Sovereignty and Party Autonomy in Private International Law -- Parenthood for Same-Sex Couples: Challenges of Private International Law from a Scandinavian Perspective -- The Use of Unpublished Opinions on Relocation Law by the California Courts of Appeal: Hiding the Evidence? -- Spousal Support after Divorce under American Family Law: An Attempt to Contribute to the Alimony Debate -- Working with Children: The Balance between the Protection of Children and the Right to Work with Children -- Changing Parenthood after Divorce -- The Contribution of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules to International Commercial Arbitration -- Universalism and Tradition: The Use of Non-binding Principles in International Commercial Law -- Problems in the Implementation of WTO Law in the People's Republic of China -- Notes on the Pellegrini Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights -- Professional Traditions: The Reciprocating Ethics of Jurist and Judge

Semitic and Assyriological Studies

Autore: Pelio Fronzaroli

Numero di pagine: 697

This substantial volume comprises almost fifty Semitic and Assyrological studies dedicated to Pelio Fronzaroli, professor of Semitic philology at the University of Florence, written by colleagues and pupils.

A New Method of Learning to Read, Write and Speak a Language in Six Months, Adapted to the Italian ...

Autore: Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff

Numero di pagine: 549

The Notion of "religion" in Comparative Research

Autore: International Association for the History of Religions. Congress , International Association for the History of Religions

Numero di pagine: 921

Nel 1990 si tenne a Roma il XVI Congresso del I.A.H.R. che ebbe come tema la nozione di "religione". Venne particolarmente analizzato l'uso di tale termine da parte degli studiosi di lingua europea nei rapporti con le culture non europee e viceversa.

A Dictionary of the peculiarities of the Italian language, being a collection of sentences from ... Italian authors, etc


A dictionary of the peculiarities of the Italian language, being a collection of sentences from the most approved Italian authors

Autore: M. Santagnello

The Origins of European Scholarship

Autore: Iōannēs G. Taiphakos

Numero di pagine: 206

Contents Ioannis Taifacos: Preface Pierre Swiggers / Alfons Wouters: L'�laboration de la grammaire comme discipline �technique� Stephanos Matthaios: Das Wortartensystem der Alexandriner. Skizze seiner Entwicklungsgeschichte und Nachwirkung Christos Nifadopoulos: Herodian on the nature of �linguistic pathos� Michael von Albrecht: Latin Literature and Roman Scholarship Wolfram Ax: Zur de voce-Definition der r�mischen Grammatik. Eine Antwort auf Wilfried Stroh Henry David Jocelyn: The Text of Plautus, Pseud. 817-18 and the Grammarians Flavius Caper and C. Iulius Romanus Giuseppina Barabino: L'auctoritas di Plauto in Nonio Marcello Javier Ur�a Varela: What can we learn from place-names in Charisius' �Ars grammatica'? Louis Holtz: Prol�gom�nes � une �dition critique du commentaire de Pomp�e, grammairien africain Mariarosaria Pugliarello: Lingua scritta e lingua parlata nel trattato di Martirio De b muta et v vocali Bengt L�fstedt: Nochmals zum Latein des Virgilius Maro Grammaticus Jacqueline Hamesse: Les glossaires bilingues, instruments de travail des traducteurs m�di�vaux William O. Duba: Aristotelian Traditions in Franciscan Thought: Matter and...

Galignani's Grammar and exercises in twenty four lectures on the Italian language ... In this third edition the work is considerably enlarged ... by the editor A. Montucci


Aristo of Ceos

Autore: Ariston

Numero di pagine: 373

Volume 13 in the RUSCH series continues work already begun on the School of Aristotle. Volume 9 featured Demetrius of Phalerum, Volume 10, Dicaearchus of Messana, Volume 11, Eudemus of Rhodes, and Volume 12, both Lyco of Troas and Hieronymus of Rhodes. Now Volume 13 turns our attention to Aristo of Iulis on Ceos, who was active in the last quarter of the third century BCE. Almost certainly he was Lyco's successor as head of the Peripatetic School. In antiquity, Aristo was confused with the like-named Stoic philosopher from Chios, so that several works were claimed for both philosophers. Among these disputed works, those with Peripatetic antecedents, like Exhortations and Erotic Dissertations, are plausibly assigned to Aristo of Ceos. Other works attributed to the Peripatetic are Lyco (presumably a biography of Aristo's predecessor), On Old Age, and Relieving Arrogance. Whether part of the last-named work or a separate treatise, Aristo's descriptions of persons exhibiting inconsiderateness, self-will, and other unattractive traits relate closely to the Characters of Theophrastus. In addition, Aristo wrote biographies of Heraclitus, Socrates, and Epicurus. We may be sure that he did ...

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