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Teoria dei numeri

Teoria dei numeri

Autore: G. Ricci

Numero di pagine: 148

H. Davenport: Problèmes d ́empilement et de découvrement.- L.J. Mordell: Equazioni diofantee.- C.A. Rogers: The geometry of numbers.- P. Erdös: Some problems on the distribution of prime numbers.- G. Ricci: Sul reticolo dei punti aventi per coordinate i numeri primi.

Tables of comparative etymology and analogous formations in the Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, English, and German languages. ... The Greek by G. Long, the German by G. Blaettermann

Tables of comparative etymology and analogous formations in the Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, English, and German languages. ... The Greek by G. Long, the German by G. Blaettermann

Autore: John LEWIS (of Llangollen, Spottsylvania County.)

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