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Numero totale di libri trovati 32 per la tua ricerca. Scarica gli ebook e divertiti!

1926-2016 Fritz Jahr's Bioethics

Autore: Amir Muzur , Hans-martin Sass

Numero di pagine: 230

The ethics of valuing bios in all their forms and shapes has been an essential part of great and successful cultures from the millennia-old Vedic tradition of 'tattvamasi'-this is also you: this plant, this animal, this microbe, this ecosystem-to the simple hands-on call of Jesus's 'love your neighbor.' But as a term bioethics was coined 90 years ago by Fritz Jahr, an educator and pastor in Halle in his Bioethical Imperative 'Respect every Living Being as an end in itself and treat it, if possible, as such.' This book examines the development of Fritz Jahr's concept of bioethics over the last ninety years. (Series: Practical Ethics - Controversies / Ethik in der Praxis - Kontroversen, Vol. 33) [Subject: Ethics, Bioethics, Philosophy]

Semitic and Assyriological Studies

Autore: Pelio Fronzaroli

Numero di pagine: 697

This substantial volume comprises almost fifty Semitic and Assyrological studies dedicated to Pelio Fronzaroli, professor of Semitic philology at the University of Florence, written by colleagues and pupils.

Catalogo della biblioteca del Liceo musicale di Bologna

Autore: Biblioteca Musicale "g.b. Martini" Di Bologna , Gaetano Gaspari

Numero di pagine: 573

A Japanese anthology - Antologia giapponese

Autore: Leone Spita

Numero di pagine: 178

The architecture illustrated in this book dates primarily to a period between the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. Before presenting a compilation of these texts in the second half of the book, each of the introductory essays focuses on a date marking either a destructive physical event or culture shock that took place in Japan in the last two centuries. The events are not sequential but instead deliberately structured to provide the best possible analysis of the architectural and urban artefacts illustrated in this book. Il periodo di produzione architettonica, trattato nei testi che seguono, riguarda principalmente i trenta anni a cavallo del XX e XXI secolo. A questa raccolta, che costituisce la seconda parte del libro, si fa precedere una serie di saggi introduttivi. Ognuno è accompagnato da una data che ha segnato i disfacimenti, fisici e culturali, che hanno investito il Giappone negli ultimi due secoli. La sequenza di eventi, volutamente non cronologica, è strumentale all’analisi dei fatti architettonici e urbani dei quali si vuole dare conto. LEONE SPITA (b. 1971), Ph.D., assistant professor at Sapienza – University of Rome, since 2012 he focuses his...

Pax Hethitica

Autore: Yoram Cohen , Amir Gilan , Itamar Singer , Jared L. Miller

Numero di pagine: 439

Mit Pax Hethitica erscheint die Festschrift fur Itamar Singer, langjahriger Professor an der Universitat Tel Aviv und fuhrender Hethitologe und Historiker des Alten Orients. Die Festschrift enthalt 34 Beitrage von seinen Kollegen aus der Altanatolistik und Altorientalistik vor allem zu hethitologischen, aber auch zu assyriologischen, syrischen, indogermanischen und agaischen Themen. Die vielfaltigen Beitrage entsprechen den umfassenden Forschungsinteressen des Jubilars, die weit uber die Grenzen Anatoliens und der Hethitologie hinausreichen. Mit Beitragen von: A. Altman, A. Archi, T. Bryce, B.J. Collins, L. d'Alfonso, S. de Martino, A. Dincol, B. Dincol, Y. Feder, M. Forlanini, M. Giorgieri, S. Gordin, J.D. Hawkins, V. Haas, S. Heinhold-Krahmer, H.A. Hoffner, Jr., C. Karasu, H.C. Melchert, C. Mora, N. Oettinger, I. Peled, F. Pecchioli Daddi, M. Poetto, M. Popko, A.F. Rainey, E. Rieken, D. Schwemer, O. Soysal, I. Tati'vili, P. Taracha, G. Torri, T. van den Hout, G. Wilhelm, I. Yakubovich, A. Yasur-Landau und R. Zadok

Italic and Romance Linguistic Studies in Honor of Ernst Pulgram

Autore: Ernst Pulgram , Herbert J. Izzo

Numero di pagine: 337

The papers in this volume deal with the languages of ancient Italy and the Romance dialects that grew from them. The arrangement of papers in the volume is topical, starting with ancient Italy and moving upward in time and outward in space through general Romance to Italian, French and Provençal, Spanish, Romanian and Sardinian.

Tarascon Medical Translation Pocketbook

Autore: Ross I. Donaldson , Timothy Horeczko

Numero di pagine: 368

The Tarascon Medical Translation Pocketbook is an essential guide for anyone working in the health care field. This current, quick, and concise reference translates the most common phrases used in patient interviews in 17 languages including: Arabic, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. Each language chapter is organized in the order of a classic medical history and contains commonly used medical phrases translated into the native language as well as guidance to the pronunciation through a unique Universal Pronunciation Guide.

Sound Law and Analogy

Autore: Robert Stephen Paul Beekes

Numero di pagine: 378

From the contents: Old Frisian 'fendsen' and 'hwendsen' (Alfred Bammesberger).- Puzzling datives in Old Frisian (Dirk Boutkan).- Vowel raising in the anonymous Lithuanian catechism of 1605 (Rick Derksen).- Laryngeals and Vedic metre (Jost Gippert).- Indo-European initial yod in Greek (Eric P. Hamp).- Vedic denominatives to thematic a-stems (Stanley Insler).- Syncope and anaptyxis in Hittite (H. Craig Melchert).

Aristotle's Animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Autore: Emeritus Professor For Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Carlos Steel

Numero di pagine: 408

Aristotle's zoological writings with their wealth of detailed investigations on diverse species of animals have fascinated medieval and Renaissance culture. This volume explores how these texts have been read in various traditions (Arabic, Hebrew, Latin), and how they have been incorporated in different genres (in philosophical and scientific treatises, in florilegia and encyclopedias, in theological symbolism, in moral allegories, and in manuscript illustrations). This multidisciplinary and multilinguistic approach highlights substantial aspects of Aristotle's animals.

Immigration and Emigration Within the Ancient Near East

Autore: Edward Lipiński , Karel Van Lerberghe

Numero di pagine: 458

(Peeters 1995)

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