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Numero totale di libri trovati 40 per la tua ricerca. Scarica gli ebook e divertiti!

Il Confetto. Dolce della fede

Autore: Giuseppe Nocca

Numero di pagine: 220

Nessuno avrebbe immaginato che mangiare un confetto ci avrebbe resi partecipi della dimensione divina, eppure questo piccolo dessert, nato innocentemente per essere un fine pasto, nel tempo si è arricchito di profondi significati religiosi. L’incontro della mandorla e dello zucchero accompagna da sempre le tappe della nostra esistenza; recuperarne il senso e la qualità ci permette di riscoprire le nostre radici.

Mastering Diabetes

Autore: Kelly Leary

Numero di pagine: 180

If you've recently been diagnosed with diabetes and are desperate for answers on how to live or deal with the problem, keep reading… You Are 1-Click Away From Learning How To Prevent And Manage Diabetes At Home In Very Simple Steps! Diabetes is one of the world's biggest killers, especially with statistics showing that having diabetes even predisposes the patients to the biggest killer of them all – the heart disease. Being diagnosed may seem like you've just been handed a death sentence; you may feel as if death is just one stroke or heart attack away. However, the truth is that you diabetes doesn't have to feel like a hangman's noose hanging over your neck all the time, ready to strike any second… You can live a fairly normal life even with diabetes; all you need to know is exactly how to deal with it. What's more; there are chances that you could actually succeed at reversing diabetes to a point of being off diabetes medication! You see, preventing or managing diabetes doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it's easier than you think. Reports published in Science Direct suggest that being able to establish a good control of your blood sugar is the best way to prevent and...

Matematica generale con il calcolatore

Autore: Michele Impedovo

Numero di pagine: 880

Il libro parte dal'ipotesi che ogni studente abbia a propria disposizione (durante le lezioni, nello studio a casa o in università, per lo svolgimento di problemi e soprattutto per l'esame), uno strumento di calcolo automatico in grado di svolgere calcolo numerico e calcolo simbolico, definire una funzione e calcolarne i valori, tracciare ed esplorare grafici, eseguire semplici algoritmi.Allora come dovrebbe cambiare un corso di matematica? In che modo potrebbero essere modificati contenuti, metodo di insegnamento, problemi, esercizi, prove di valutazione?

Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 87, 1 aprile 2018

Autore: Paolo Ballirano

Numero di pagine: 94

Contents Giovanna Rizzo, Salvatore Laurita, Uwe Altenberger The Timpa delle Murge ophiolitic gabbros, southern Apennines: insights from petrology and geochemistry and consequences to the geodynamic setting .. Mahboobeh Jamshidibadr, Alan S. Collins, Gabriel N. Salomao, Mozaniel Costa U-Pb zircon ages, geochemistry and tectonic setting of felsic and mafic intrusive rocks of Almogholagh complex, NW Iran Dario Di Giuseppe, Jordi Ibáñez, Massimiliano Melchiorre, Massimo Coltorti On the potential effect of micronized zeolites on seed germination: a prospective study Ali I.M. Ismail, Doris Sadek Ghabrial, Wael Abdel Wahab, Mahmoud Eissa, Alberto Cazzaniga, Chiara Zanelli, Michele Dondi Exploring Syenites from Ring Complexes in the Eastern Desert (Egypt) as Ceramic Raw Materials Daniela Mauro, Cristian Biagioni, Marco Pasero Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). I. Crystal structure and hydrogen bond system of melanterite, Fe(H2O)6(SO4)·H2O

Mediterranean Diet for Beginners

Autore: Utente

Numero di pagine: 131

Did you know that the Mediterranean diet is extremely healthy? It is often considered a way of eating and not a strict meal plan because it focuses on the consumption of whole foods in addition to emphasizing daily exercise. It further incorporates many plant-based recipes from to the cuisines of countries around the Mediterranean Sea, including Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and southern France. This diet offers many benefits! It can decrease your risk of developing a stroke or cardiac disease by 30% and helps you improve your fitness levels as well as regulate your blood sugar. Many different fruits and vegetables are consumed in this diet, in addition to whole grains and healthy oils, such as extra virgin olive oil. It also includes moderate amounts of lean meat, fish, seafood, dairy, and eggs while excluding certain cooked foods, desserts, red meat, and goods baked with white flour. It also wards off multiple illnesses, including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer while helping people to achieve weight loss. In this book, you will learn about: · What a Mediterranean diet is and its benefits, · Represents a fundamental lifestyle for human health. · Prefers the consumption ...

Museo di Merceologia. Sapienza Università di Roma

Autore: Małgorzata Biniecka , Patrizia Falconi , Raffaella Preti

Numero di pagine: 202

Il catalogo illustra i settori ai quali appartengono circa 6000 reperti esposti e inventariati al Museo di Merceologia. Le sezioni del Museo descritte e indicate con dei colori differenti sono le seguenti: legno, carta, combustibili, plastomeri ed elastomeri, cosmesi, detergenti, metalli e leghe, minerali, materiali da costruzione, ceramiche, vetro, concia e prodotti della concia, coloranti, inchiostri, fibre tessili e tessuti, alimenti e derivati, prodotti del mare, tabacco, apparecchi scientifici. La collezione dei reperti è organizzata in una esposizione “ragionata” sulla base delle varie attività economiche e commerciali, al fine di consentire al visitatore la comprensione completa dei procedimenti tecnologici attraverso i quali si realizzano i prodotti finiti a partire dalle materie grezze. L’esposizione, inoltre, evidenzia la continua ricerca di nuove materie prime, in sostituzione di altre, perché esaurite o non più economicamente sfruttabili, illustrando anche le fasi relative alla loro lavorazione al fine di ottenere un nuovo prodotto tecnologicamente avanzato o/e eco-compatibile.

Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women

Autore: Laura White

Numero di pagine: 113

Do you want to learn a healthy and effective technique for losing weight and having more energy? Have you ever imagined yourself as attractive, thin and free from any pain caused by excessive weight? If you said yes to any of the above questions, then look no further because all of the details you need to know about losing weight effectively can be found in this book. This book is written to help you approach weight loss in a very effective way. Instead of fighting against your desires and habits, you can quickly use hypnosis to forget your cravings, master portion control and build many other fat-melting habits. The topics you will find in this book include the following: · What Hypnosis is · Importance of Hypnosis For Women · Hypnosis and Weight Loss Meditation To Burn Fat · Weight Management · Gastric Band Hypnosis · Hypnosis Techniques · Mindful Eating: Foods To Avoid · Power of Affirmations and The Law of Attraction · How to Increase Your Metabolism With Hypnosis · Methods of Self-Suggestion Hypnosis it’s a powerful technique that can heal your body image issues, make you stop overeating and fix your mind. Hypnosis weight loss programs have now been proven over...

Think and Eat Veg

Autore: Elisabetta Passalacqua

Numero di pagine: 212

"Think and eat Veg" may be food for thought for those seeking the health and harmony of the body, mind, soul and spirit, taking in consideration our physical structure and the laws that govern the universe, human journey and karma. The prerogative of the book is to consider the importance of nutrition for all aspects of life, from the physical to the spiritual, beyond professing any specific religion. In fact, the book deals with the need to know the main types of food and the consequences that result from feeding with one type of food rather than another. It talks about the implications that are behind the intensive animal farms that are run without respect for the animals and mother Earth and what all this entails for us. If we know the effects of different foods in every aspect of our being, both physical and subtle, we can achieve greater awareness in making the choices of food and life for us, our children, and all those we love. PRESENTATION OF THE AUTHOR Elisabetta Passalacqua graduated in Political Science in Florence and did her specialization in Rome. After several jobs, she dedicated herself to in-depth research of the subtler aspects of life. She met Sai Baba and...

America is not Bush

Autore: Umberto Sulpasso

Numero di pagine: 474

Obama Time is perhaps the first Web Story in literature. Pietro/Peter, the book’s main character/protagonist, is a Joycean Internet voyager, a Bloom with sax who not only indulges in intellectual odysseys, but also brings aboard reader-passengers on his voyage throughout American society, enabling them to hear their own sirens, if they wish, or enter Polyphemus’ cave, if they prefer. For Pietro/Peter is the symbol of the biggest revolution underway: the Internet. An army of Internet Girls and Internet Boys, in fact, supplies readers with digressions that only the biggest and perhaps the greatest revolution underway could encompass – the knowledge revolution. Promoted and fomented by the Internet, it is the revolution that is knocking down all the walls built over millennia, erected not only out of ignorance, but out of a desire to maintain a consolidated monopoly that guarantees to only a few Wealth, Power, and, above all, Social Status/Privileges; for those with knowledge are richer than those with money, and those without knowledge are forever condemned to being enslaved/slavery. Thanks to the Internet, today all of this is headed for destruction. The knowledge revolution, ...

Great Food Combos

Autore: Rita Miller

Numero di pagine: 238

Ci sono molti fattori che influenzano la dieta di una singola persona, dalle influenze culturali e religiose allo stile di vita .Il cibo che mangi influenzerà il modo in cui il tuo corpo elabora quel cibo ed è il fattore principale che determina se perdi peso, rimani allo stesso peso attuale o aumenti di peso. Ci sono molte diete diverse, piani alimentari e prodotti consigliati da mangiare e bere sul mercato che possono influire sul peso, sulla salute e sul benessere di una persona. Molti di noi credono che tutta la cellulite scomparirà quando perdiamo peso, ma sfortunatamente è più complessa di così.C'è una ricerca limitata disponibile per determinare la causa esatta della cellulite e quindi una mancanza di comprensione nella riduzione e nel trattamento.Sembra che i principali fattori che contribuiscono alla cellulite siano fattori strutturali legati al tessuto connettivo e alla composizione del tessuto adiposo. Una volta che sviluppiamo nuove cellule adipose, non possiamo effettivamente sbarazzarcene, ma possiamo ridurne le dimensioni. Con così tante diete e programmi tra cui scegliere, abbiamo compilato una guida sulle diete più popolari disponibili e anche su quelle...


Autore: Istituto Internazionale Di Storia Economica F. Datini. Settimana Di Studio

Numero di pagine: 566

Political Torture in the Twentieth Century

Autore: Ruxandra Cesereanu

Numero di pagine: 162

Unanimously banned and condemned, torture has been used in many countries throughout the 20th century. Ruxandra Cesereanu’s essay aims to deepen this subject, showing the unimaginable dimensions that human cruelty can sometimes reach. The Armenian Genocide, the Nazi camps, the Gulag, the Military Juntas in Latin America, the totalitarian regimes in Africa and those in Islamic states are just a few examples of the tortures that man can inflict on his fellow men. From the description of the techniques, the motivations and the moments in which acts of savage violence take place to portraits of torturers and the victim, Ruxandra Cesereanu’s book gives us an overview of the phenomenon of torture, to refresh our collective memory.

Eternal youth with the five tibetan rites

Autore: Silvia Brunasti

Numero di pagine: 144

What is the secret of eternal youth?Is it really possible to look and actually be younger? Get ready to read a mysterious and fascinating story about some monks who lived in a hidden monastery in Tibet and discovered five simple exercises can stop time. Do you also want to know the secrets of the 5 Tibetan Rites? This amazing work will give you the opportunity to acquire knowledge and to try the exercises at the same time simply by reading the descriptions and by looking at the pictures of the executions. Discover the secret of eternal youth with the five Tibetan Rites combining them together with proper breathing. It is an old method of rejuvenation revealed to the West at the beginning of the last century which has now become popular and used all over the world. A real help that gives you back joy and vitality, prevents aging and disease and awakens your strength, your energy, your mental acuity and your creativity.

Linguistic and oriental studies in honour of Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti

Autore: Pier Giorgio Borbone , Alessandro Mengozzi , Mauro Tosco

Numero di pagine: 772

From the table of contents:(73 contributions)E. Albrile, Il silenzio degli dei. Ermetismo, etnobotanica e altri mitiM. G. Amadasi Guzzo, Un'iscrizione fenicia da IbizaW. Arnold, Uber die Herstellung von Seide in Antiochien. Ein Text im arabischen Dialekt der Nus.ayrier von Yaqt.uA. Avanzini, To accompany a recently published Sabaic text: Historical and grammatical remarksS. Baldi, L'esperanto e la lingua hausaV. Barandovska-Frank, Internaciaj lingvoj en interretoF. Bellino, David Morkos frate della Custodia di Terra Santa e professore di arabo nella Torino dell'OttocentoJ. Blau, Some reflections on the disappearance of cases in ArabicP. Giorgio Borbone, L'autore della "Storia di Mar Yahballaha e di Rabban Sauma"R. Borghero, Some features of the North Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialect of AshithaA. Boucherit, De esperanto a espoir: remarques lexicalesE. Braida - S. Destefanis, L'alchermes: liquore cremisi o vermiglio? Divagazioni storico-etimologiche sull' origine di un coloreF. B. Chatonnet - A. Desreumaux - A. Binggeli, Un cas tres ancien de garshouni ? Quelques re. exions sur lemanuscrit BL Add. 14644V. Brugnatelli, Come si concludeva il poema di Aqhat?

Qualità della vita urbana e approccio delle capacità. Perché e come promuovere le "capacità urbane" degli abitanti più svantaggiati

Autore: Valentina Talu

Numero di pagine: 146


Nouveau recueil général de traités et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international

Autore: Georg Friedrich Martens

Numero di pagine: 726

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