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Numero totale di libri trovati 11 per la tua ricerca. Scarica gli ebook e divertiti!

The Sirtfood Diet

Autore: Mary Nabors

Numero di pagine: 368

If you want to become healthier, bulk up, and eat clean, then keep reading. For years it has been believed that bodybuilders couldn't follow a vegan diet. People assume that in order to gain muscle that you have to eat animal products because, for many, animal products are the only decent source of protein. While it is true that you need protein to build muscle, you can get plenty of protein from plant sources. As a dietitian, I want to help you make the changes to your diet that you want to and still do the workouts you love. There are a lot of myths out there about veganism and bodybuilding, and if you are a bodybuilder who wants to eat vegan, you may find it hard to figure out how to do so. People choose veganism for many reasons, and the reason you want to switch to this new diet isn't important. The only thing that is important is that, yes, you can eat vegan and be a bodybuilder. I want to help prove to you that you can have all the energy you need, as well as the protein, to be a successful bodybuilder and reach the gains that you have been striving for. In this book, you will find: The best vegan supplements that will boost your workouts and energy The top bodybuilding...

LOGICAL - Transnational logistics improvement through cloud computing and innovative business models

Autore: Marino Cavallo

Il volume presenta interventi e studi relativi al progetto europeo LOGICAL, finanziato dal programma europeo Central Europe e focalizzato sui temi dell'informatica e del cloud computing applicati alla logistica. La prima parte del volume contiene gli atti della Conferenza internazionale che si è tenuta a Bologna su questi temi. La seconda parte presenta un modello di business plan per l'implementazione dei servizi di logistica innovativa nei Paesi del Centro Europa che sono stati partner del progetto.

Dizionario etimologico-scientifico delle voci italiane di greca origine ... compilato dall'ab. Vito Maria De Grandis ..

Autore: Vito Maria De Grandis

Numero di pagine: 376

Microcontrollers. Hardware and firmware for 8-bit and 32-bit devices

Autore: Franco Zappa

Numero di pagine: 486

The book discusses in details the main hardware and firmware fundamentals about micro- controllers. The goal is to present all the concepts necessary to understand and design an embedded system based on microcontrollers. The book discusses on: Binary logic and arithmetic; Embedded-systems basics; Low-end 8-bit microcontrollers by Microchip and STMicroelectronics; On-chip memories, Input/Output ports, peripherals; Assembly instruction sets; EasyPIC evaluation board by MikroElektronika; High-end 32-bit cores by ARM-Cortex; STM32F4 microprocessor by STMicroelectronics; Nucleo board for STM32F4 by STMicroelectronics; Custom developed board. The book is not targeted for just either low-end or high-end microcontrollers. Instead, the book fully describes both, moving from the basics of microcontroller systems, to 8-bit devices and then to the 32-bit ones.In fact, the book targets well-renowned, commercially-available microcontrollers by the microelectronic leaders in the field. As for low-end 8-bit microcontrollers, the book reviews the widely-spread and well-assessed devices by Microchip (the PIC16 family) and by STMicroelectronics (the ST6 family). Instead, as for high-end 32-bit...

Corso sui Modi Digitali in HF

Autore: Salvatore Cordoglio , IZ8IFL

Numero di pagine: 82

il libro contiene un corso per Radioamatori che devono approntare una stazione radio per i Modi Digitali ed imparare ad effettuare collegamenti in queste modalita.

Opere di Q. Orazio Flacco tradotte in lingua italiana e corredate di opportune osservazioni da Celestino Massucco ... Tomo primo [-sesto]

Numero di pagine: 552

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