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Keto Dessert Recipes

Autore: Sconosciuto

Numero di pagine: 110

Eating Keto Is One of The Hottest Trends Today, How To Give Up A Good Keto Dessert And Keep Our Body On A Diet, For Those Who Follow This Keto Diet The Dessert Is Definitely A Source Of Pleasure. But What Should Be Prepared? And How Can You Find the Time to Prepare It? Fortunately, This Cookbook Has You Covered with Quick and Easy Recipes to Keep You On the Meal. You'll Find Recipes for Making Delicious Keto Desserts, And All of the Dishes Are Perfect for Anyone On A High-Fat, Low-Carb Diet. Wouldn't You Like to Have a Keto Dessert and Feel Satisfied to Keep Your Diet at Its Best? Or Maybe You'd Like to Lose a Few Pounds? Or Would You Simply Like to Improve Your Overall Health? Every Week, It's The Same Struggle: Make A Homemade Dessert and Still Lose Weight (And Fast)? With The Recipes I'm About to Provide, You Won't Have to Worry: Your Super Easy Keto Desserts for The Week Will Take Minimal Prep Time and Provide Noteworthy Meals. Believe It or Not, You Can Have All of the Above If You Implement the Ketogenic Diet Into Your Life. These Keto Recipes for Your Low Carb, High Fat Diet Might Be Just the Right Plan for You. I Really Hope You Find Something in This Cookbook That You Can ...

I tuoi liquori fatti in casa

Autore: Andrew Schloss

Numero di pagine: 272

Un libro unico al mondo, illustrato da splendide foto a colori, molto completo e gradevole da leggere grazie alla competenza e allo stile di Andrew Schloss, chef esperto e già autore di 15 libri di cucina. Oltre 150 ricette di liquori e distillati aromatici a base di frutta fresca, frutta secca e semi, erbe e spezie, tè e caffè, fiori, cioccolato, crema, miele e toffee, incluse le fedeli riproduzioni di 21 liquori famosi tra i quali Bayleis e Cointreau. Il libro propone inoltre una selezione di 80 cocktail creativi realizzati con i liquori fatti in casa, per avere sempre qualcosa di nuovo e di diverso da gustare e offrire agli amici.

Pasticceria 100 e lode

Autore: Giovanni Cataldo Cerroni , Sandra Ranaldi , Ornella Frattaroli

Numero di pagine: 298

Salve, si tratta di un libro di ricette di pasticceria scritto nelle tre lingue: italiano, inglese e Francese con ricette gourmet e foto autentiche scattate durante esperienze laboratoriali sotto la guida di uno chef di pasticceria e due docenti di Inglese e Francese, che hanno realizzato due torte personali.

Bread machine recipes cookbook

Autore: Sconosciuto

Numero di pagine: 121

Did you have a bread machine and is now racking your brains for ideas? Do you like the smell of freshly baked bread? Then this guide will help you rediscover new scents and tastes. Your Customers Never Stop to Use this Awesome Cookbook Bread baking can be a satisfying process, not to mention the highly nutritive value of bread you can now provide for your family, using the freshest ingredients, anytime you want. Even if you are new to bread making, the information and advice in the Bread Machine Cookbook Baking Recipes will get you baking like a professional in no time: • Get creative with your baking: more recipes to choose from, you will be spoilt for choice. • Never worry if the bread will turn out right: every recipe comes with precise measurements (in grams, milliliters, etc) and colored pictures so you know exactly what to do step by step • Easy to follow directions about dough preparation and storage: so you can make the dough ahead of time and be able to serve freshly made bread quickly whenever you need to • With recipe choices that meet every dietary need: from keto to gluten-free, sweet to savory, you will not run out of ideas to amaze your family • Savings on ...

Plant-based Sirtfood Diet Cookbook

Autore: Kate Hamilton

Have you tried the Sirtfood Diet? Are you looking for some delicious plant-based recipes to expand your meal plan? Or are you just starting and have no idea what to cook and how? Just keep reading. The Plant-based Sirtfood Diet is super popular these days, and not without reason, with the famous singer Adele appearing on TV showcasing a slender body in a fantastic figure-hugging black dress. Her tremendous result confirms the Plant-based Sirtfood Diet as a great option for effective weight loss. But it's not just a matter of managing weight and weight-related issues like obesity: the Plant-based Sirtfood Diet is also an effective tool for type 2 diabetes prevention and management and many other chronic diseases. As stated by the Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, "It's no secret that emphasizing legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds and discouraging most or all animal products is currently the most powerful option for recovering and sustaining human health." And the Plant-based Sirtfood Diet does exactly that, focusing on particular anti-oxidant molecules called sirtuins with the power to activate the "skinny gene." Whether you are a vegetarian or vegan, having...

Ninja Air Fryer Cookbook

Autore: Sconosciuto

Numero di pagine: 120

What is the Kitchen appliance that saves you useful space for every need? Ninja Air Fryer Unlike any gadget, this new multi cooker can fry, pressure cook, or slow cook just about anything at your whim. And surprisingly, it does all three things extraordinarily well. It's a bargain and a space saver compared to all the appliances it can help you replace. Are you looking for a tool that allows you to cook in a short time, in simplicity, and of excellent quality? Then you have come to the right place! Ninja is for you! This ultimate book will guide you to grill any food with your Ninja Grill at its best, learning its multiple functions and how to deal right with this new friend that lives in your kitchen. The combination of your Ninja Grill and this guide will deliver to you, family, and friends many mouth-watering meals, you could not enjoy more. In this book, you will: · Clearly Understand How Ninja Grill Works, to appreciate how the cooking results in all its mode are excellent, it's easy to use, and you'll end up eating tasty, evenly cooked meals that are healthy too. · Discover All the Benefits You Receive from Cooking With Such a Device, such as having a diet fry; you can...

Plant-Based Sirtfood Diet

Autore: Kate Hamilton

Are you looking for a diet that won't leave you hungry but will boost your weight loss like never before? Are you vegetarian, vegan, or are you simply looking for a way to lose weight fast, avoiding any meat and fish? If that's the case, it's time to consider the Plant-based Sirtfood Diet! The Plant-based Sirtfood Diet is studied to increase your daily intake of foods that contain high levels of sirtuins. These amazing proteins help with cellular rejuvenation, give you a healthy glow, and, the best part, they make you skinny! Yep, it's scientifically proven that sirtuins activate the "skinny gene" and enhance weight loss. You have probably seen how much weight the famous singer Adele lost, and what about the beautiful Serena Williams and her plant-based approach to maintain her shape and strength? The perfect treatment for a former number 1 tennis player! The Plant-based Sirtfood Diet offers a flexible approach that adapts to your needs and is sustainable for you and the planet . Just like the standard Sirtfood Diet, which includes meat and fish, the plant-based version allows delicious foods like chocolate and red wine and combines them with other sirtuin-rich ingredients to take ...

La Dolce Vita

Autore: Michele Scicolone

Numero di pagine: 272

This divine cookbook includes 170 recipes for favorite Italian desserts--simple sweets served both at home and in trattorias and cafes throughout Italy. More than two dozen cookie recipes include almond-laced Biscotti di Prato, the classic sesame cookie Biscotti Regina, and lemony butter rings. Flaky tarts are filled with everything from fruit jams and Arborio rice to sweet berries and lemon and chocolate. Refreshing, delicate Italian ice are intensely flavored with mint, sparkling white wine and peaches, and raspberries. To round out this scrumptious collection, Michele Scicolone has included recipes for simple fruit and cheese desserts, dessert sauces, explanations of Italian dessert wines and after dinner digestivi--and, of course, how to brew a perfect cup of Italian coffee. This irresistible cookbook is sure to delight everyone, even those with the most discerning sweet tooth.

Insegnami ad amare

Autore: Stefania Fabrizi

Numero di pagine: 195

Romance - romanzo (195 pagine) - Gentile, simpatico, educato. Mi torturava senza sfiorarmi, mi confondeva le idee senza parlarmi, mi chiedevo in che modo fosse riuscito a impossessarsi di me... Langhe, fine agosto 2010. La vita scorre fin troppo tranquilla nella cascina di Bossolasco dove la giovane Annita trascorre le sue giornate ad aiutare la famiglia nei campi e a rimuginare sul suo futuro, faticando a liberarsi da un’infanzia segnata dal dolore per la perdita di sua nonna, unica persona che le ha dato il suo affetto. L’impasse esistenziale di Annita viene sconvolta dall’arrivo inaspettato di David, giunto dall’Inghilterra come volontario del w.w.o.o.f. nelle attività agricole della cascina e appassionato lettore di poesie con cui lei, a poco a poco, scopre di avere una profonda sintonia. Qualcosa cambia per sempre, Annita scopre l’amore e si trasforma in donna insieme a David che, giunto al termine della sua permanenza in Italia, dovrà separarsi da lei. Restare o raggiungerlo? Cambiare vita per sempre o rinunciare alla felicità? Solo il cuore potrà deciderlo e darle il coraggio di compiere la svolta definitiva. Stefania Fabrizi nasce a Roma il 18 giugno del 1977 ...

Alimentazione senza carne ricettario per atleti vegani

Autore: Joseph P. Turner

Numero di pagine: 230

C'è una vita senza carne? Una dieta nutriente è una bacchetta magica che può trasformare una persona debole e dolorante, in un individuo sano e forte. C'è un'opinione secondo cui un bodybuilder non può vivere senza carne, altrimenti, dove può trovare le proteine per costruire la massa muscolare? In effetti, la dieta giusta a base di alimenti vegetali è in grado di far crescere un vero culturista di successo, e ci sono molti esempi di questo. In che modo un bodybuilder vegano riesce a mantenere un'eccellente forma fisica e ottenere risultati solidi? Qual’è il segreto? C'è una vita senza carne? Una dieta nutriente è una bacchetta magica che può trasformare una persona debole e dolorante, in un individuo sano e forte. C'è un'opinione secondo cui un bodybuilder non può vivere senza carne, altrimenti, dove può trovare le proteine per costruire la massa muscolare? In effetti, la dieta giusta a base di alimenti vegetali è in grado di far crescere un vero culturista di successo, e ci sono molti esempi di questo. In che modo un bodybuilder vegano riesce a mantenere un'eccellente forma fisica e ottenere risultati solidi? Qual è il segreto? Il ricettario di alimentazione...

Mangia come parli. Pop rhapsody

Autore: Davide Oldani

Numero di pagine: 192

Il primo volume è uscito durante la prima ondata di Covid, il secondo si ritrova immerso nella seconda. La vedo così: non diminuiamo le speranze - nella ristorazione come in tutto il resto - raddoppiamo il coraggio e le idee. Davide Oldani Nonostante gli capiti di mostrarsi spesso in pubblico Davide Oldani resta un timido nella sostanza, e quando gli chiedono di mettere la sua faccia in copertina non sa mai qual è lo scatto giusto. Ecco perché, questa volta, nel dubbio, ne ha messi quattro, di scatti. Abituato a lavorare con i piedi per terra, gli piace però pensare in modo non convenzionale, spingendosi oltre quello che conosce, più in là di quello che sa fare. In "Mangia come parli" secondo volume, altre stagioni, nuovi piatti ma stessa filosofia della trasmissione radiofonica: linguaggio semplice per accompagnare le preparazioni passo dopo passo senza separare gli ingredienti dal procedimento.

La lampada magica (eLit)

Autore: Alice Sharpe

Numero di pagine: 142

E se un giorno la dolce Gina Cox entrasse in possesso della chiave per realizzare tutti i suoi desideri? La logica e la razionalità non c'entrano quando si parla d'amore e una semplice lampada acquistata in un mercatino dell'usato si può rivelare ben più di un semplice oggetto d'arredamento, lo dimostra il fatto che il desiderio più recondito di Gina si presenta immediatamente alla sua porta, nei panni del bellissimo, virile e affascinante Alan. Be', come inizio, niente male, e se poi...?

Keep Calm and Enjoy Milan

Autore: Francesca Cassani

Numero di pagine: 256

Take a walk through Milan and discover all of the city’s new wonders 2015 is finally here and the Universal Exposition is about to totally revolutionize Milan - six months of international events, debates, openings and congresses in a city which is constantly evolving. So get ready to explore Milan with this extraordinary guide, which will take you from the centre to the suburbs and show you the city as you’ve never seen it before: looking to the future, but with roots that go deep into its history. Besides the traditional walks, you’ll discover the neighborhoods that are reaching for the sky, the new flavors which blend tradition and international cuisine, and the galleries, museums and parks of a city of fashion, contemporary art and design. A guidebook to accompany you through the innovations of a city, which is backing the Expo in order to construct its own future. Francesca Cassani was born and lives in Milan. A professional journalist, she has written for several newspapers, and since 2007 has been a communication and press officer. She has worked for the Municipality of Milan, the Lombardy Region and she is currently working for the FNM Group. For Newton Compton she...

Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design

Autore: Antonio Leone , Carmela Gargiulo

Numero di pagine: 704

[English]: Between 5th and 8th September 2018 the tenth edition of the INPUT conference took place in Viterbo, guests of the beautiful setting of the University of Tuscia and its DAFNE Department. INPUT is managed by an informal group of Italian academic researchers working in many fields related to the exploitation of informatics in planning. This Tenth Edition pursed multiple objectives with a holistic, boundary-less character, to face the complexity of today socio-ecological systems following a systemic approach aimed to problem solving. In particular, the Conference will aim to present the state of art of modeling approaches employed in urban and territorial planning in national and international contexts. Moreover, the conference has hosted a Geodesign workshop, by Carl Steinitz (Harvard Graduate School of Design) and Hrishi Ballal (on skype), Tess Canfield, Michele Campagna. Finally, on the last day of the conference, took place the QGIS hackfest, in which over 20 free software developers from all over Italy discussed the latest news and updates from the QGIS network. The acronym INPUT was born as INformatics for Urban and Regional Planning. In the transition to graphics,...

Keto Breakfast Recipes

Autore: Jennifer Reys

Numero di pagine: 110

Eating Keto is one of today's hottest trends, but breakfast can be especially challenging for those on this popular diet. What should you prepare? And how can you find the time to prepare it? Luckily, this cookbook has you covered with quick and easy recipes to keep your energy up in the meal that will allow you to start your day with maximum energy. You'll find recipes for your keto breakfast, and all of the dishes are perfect for anyone on a high-fat, low-carb diet. Wouldn't you like to have breakfast and feel satisfied and not be hungry again until the next meal? Or would you perhaps like to lose a few extra pounds without trying too hard? Or would you simply like to improve your overall health? Every week, it's the same struggle: What can you make for breakfast (and fast)? With the recipes I'm going to provide, you don't have to worry. These super-easy weeknight healthy breakfasts require minimal prep time and deliver noteworthy meals. Believe it or not, you can have all of the above if you implement the Ketogenic Diet into your life. This low carb, high fat diet could be just the right plan for you. I really hope you find this diet something that might appeal to you, but...

Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo civico di storia naturale in Milano

Autore: Società italiana di scienze naturali

Pinocchio and the cricket. The reason for food

Autore: Simonetta Farnesi

Numero di pagine: 124

Attraverso il dialogo di Pinocchio con il Grillo, il libro espone le conoscenze fondamentali della nutrizione con linguaggio semplice e accessibile ai bambini. I disegni colorati ripetibili ed il linguaggio selezionato, fungono da stimolo per lo sviluppo creativo e conoscitivo.

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