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Numero totale di libri trovati 21 per la tua ricerca. Scarica gli ebook e divertiti!

An italian in America

Autore: Beppe Severgnini

Numero di pagine: 288

The discovery of American - which is complicated today as it was in 1492 - doesn't depend on how many miles you drive, or the number of States tou've been to. America reveals itself in the little things. And the discovery them - as Beppe says - "you need the inquisitiveness of a new arrival and the patience of beach comber, one of those mildly inappropriate individuals who roam the shores in search of small treasures. The seashore is America. The mildly inappropriate individual is me".

A dictionary of the English and Italian languages: by Joseph Baretti. Improved and augmented with above ten thousand words, omitted in the last edition of altieri. To which is prefixed, an Italian and English grammar

Autore: Giuseppe Baretti

Dizionario italiano-inglese e inglese-italiano ad uso di ambedue le nazioni, colla pronunzia italiana e coll'accento su tutte le parole delle due lingue arricchito di termini risguardanti le scienze ed arti, la meccanica, le strade ferrate, la marina ecc. ecc

Autore: William James

Numero di pagine: 456

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