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Numero totale di libri trovati 27 per la tua ricerca. Scarica gli ebook e divertiti!

The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena

Autore: Saint Catherine of Siena , Aeterna Press

Numero di pagine: 344

“I am persuaded,” said Claude Bernard, “that the day will come, when the man of science, the philosopher and the poet will all understand each other.” Whatever we may think of this prophecy, we most of us feel that the one-sided absolutism of the past, whether religious or scientific, is no longer possible. The inevitable vehemence of the reaction against bigotry and superstition has, in a measure, spent itself, and the best minds of the present, influenced by the spirit of Socrates’ claim to wisdom, are cautiously and tentatively feeling their way to a nicer adjustment of the scales of thought. Aeterna Press

Silius Italicus

Autore: Florian Schaffenrath

Numero di pagine: 193

Vom 19. bis 21. Juni 2008 fand an der Universität Innsbruck erstmalig eine Tagung statt, die ausschließlich dem epischen Dichter Silius Italicus gewidmet war. Die einzelnen Beiträge, die in diesem Band versammelt und um einige vermehrt wurden, fassen einerseits die bisherigen Forschungen zu zentralen Fragen zusammen, skizzieren andererseits auch neue Wege und Sichtweisen auf einen Dichter, den die Klassische Philologie lange Zeit recht stiefmütterlich behandelt hat.

Exercises upon the Different Parts of Italian Speech; with references to Veneroni's Grammar ... The third edition, carefully revised and corrected

Autore: Ferdinando BOTTARELLI

Numero di pagine: 192

Boccaccio's Naked Muse

Autore: Tobias Foster Gittes

Numero di pagine: 369

Venturing outside the Decameron to the Latin works, and outside the usual textual and intertextual readings of Boccaccio to more broadly cultural and anthropological material, Boccaccio's Naked Muse offers fresh insights on this hugely significant literary figure.

Mirage and Camouflage

Autore: Vivienne Suvini-Hand

Numero di pagine: 113

This study explores the tensions and contradictions in the themes and style of L'Allegria. It establishes links between Ungaretti and the French Symbolist poets, and reexamines the collection's affinity with the work of De Chirico, Cubism, Futurism and Surrealism. Offering ground-breaking views, particularly on the war poems, it demonstrates how Ungaretti used the obscure nature of Hermetic language to express his proto-Fascist and Nietzschean sympathies, thus destroying the myth of Ungaretti as a 'man of peace' searching for a religious answer to the problems of existence.

Nuovo dizionario inglese-italiano ed italiano-inglese colla pronuncia segnata a norma della grammatica analitica

Autore: John Millhouse

Numero di pagine: 638

The National Medical Dictionary

Autore: John Shaw Billings

Tables include: Table of doses, Table of antidotes, Systems of numbering spectacle-glasses, expectation of life, relation of girth of chest to height in men, dimensions of parts and organs of body, weight of organs of human body, dimensions of foetus-comparative scales, table of foods and dietaries.

Medea. Tragedia ... Versioné italiani di Giuseppe Montanelli. (Translated from the Italian version ... by Thomas Williams.) Ital. & Eng

Autore: Gabriel Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfrid LEGOUVÉ

Numero di pagine: 109

The Signifier and the Signified

Autore: F. Noske

Numero di pagine: 418

The studies collected in this volume deal with the interpretation of opera. In most cases the results are based on structural analysis, a concept which may require some clarification in this context. During the past de cade 'structure' and 'structural' have become particularly fashionable terms lacking exact denotation and used for the most divergent purposes. As employed here, structural analysis is concerned with such concepts as 'relationship', 'coherence' and 'continuity', more or less in contrast to formal analysis which deals with measurable material. In other words, I have analysed the structure of an opera by seeking and examining factors in the musico-dramatic process, whereas analysts of form are generally preoccupied with the study of elements contained in the musical object. Though admittedly artificial, the dichotomy of form and structure may elucidate the present situation with regard to the study of opera. Today, nearly one hundred years after the death of Wagner, the proclaimed anti thesis of Oper und Drama is generally taken for what it really was: a means to propagate the philosophy of its inventor. The conception of opera (whether 'continuous' or composed of...

Il Flauto Magico, o Misteri d'Iside. The Magic Flute ... Opera, in two Acts [and in verse. Being the Italian version of J. E. Schickaneder's Opera the “Zauberflöte,” with an English translation of the same] ... The Translation by W. J. Walter. Ital. and Eng

Il Flauto Magico: o I Misteri d'Iside. The Magic Flute ... A grand romantic opera, in two acts [translated from “Die Zauberflöte,” by J. E. Schikaneder and C. L. Giesecke], as represented at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket ... The translation by W. J. Walter. Ital. & Eng

Numero di pagine: 113

Exercises upon the Different Parts of Italian Speech; with references to Veneroni's Grammar. To which is subjoined, An Abridgment of the Roman History, etc

Autore: Ferdinando BOTTARELLI

Numero di pagine: 195

The Revolt of the Scribe in Modern Italian Literature

Autore: Thomas Erling Peterson

Numero di pagine: 359

The Revolt of the Scribe in Modern Italian Literature offers a perceptive re-assessment of Italian literary culture, focusing on the nature of modernity through the literature of those who revolt against established norms and expectations. By exploring selected works from authors such as Deledda, Foscolo, Ungaretti, Bertolucci, and Valeri, Thomas E. Peterson considers the categories of vatic poetry, the feminine voice, and the writings of those situated on Italy's cultural periphery. As practitioners of literary Italian, Peterson argues that these authors are conscious of their role in preserving both language and tradition during a period of great upheaval and national transformation. At the same time, they use their writings to move towards change, combat alienation, and reconfigure the self in relation to the community. In treating the act of authorship in terms of its cultural and didactic significance, Peterson successfully bridges the gap between traditional literary critical monographs and the trend toward cultural studies.

Science Translated

Autore: Michèle Goyens , Pieter de Leemans , An Smets

Numero di pagine: 478

Mediaevalia Lovaniensia 40Medieval translators played an important role in the development and evolution of a scientific lexicon. At a time when most scholars deferred to authority, the translations of canonical texts assumed great importance. Moreover, translation occurred at two levels in the Middle Ages. First, Greek or Arabic texts were translated into the learned language, Latin. Second, Latin texts became source texts themselves, to be translated into the vernaculars as their importance across Europe started to increase.The situation of the respective translators at these two levels was fundamentally different: whereas the former could rely on a long tradition of scientific discourse, the latter had the enormous responsibility of actually developing a scientific vocabulary. The contributions in the present volume investigate both levels, greatly illuminating the emergence of the scientific terminology and concepts that became so fundamental in early modern intellectual discourse. The scientific disciplines covered in the book include, among others, medicine, biology, astronomy, and physics.

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